Equipment: Holographic Targeting Helmet

(Opportunity 2)

A device only rarely seen aboard the bridge of Federation starships due to the specialised training required to properly operate, the holographic targeting helmet creates a virtual reality representation of the local space surrounding a vessel. The user can interact with this VR environment to monitor the theatre of operations.

Weapon: Bayonet

A short blade designed to be affixed to the barrel of a rifle or similar weapon for use during close combat, bayonets allow ranged weapons to be used effectively in melee as well.

Species: Kelpien


Native to the planet Kaminar, Kelpiens have two distinct stages of development. Young Kelpiens are risk averse, and possess heightened senses. After undergoing a biological process called vahar'ai they loose their extra-sensory threat ganglia, and a natural spine launcher grows in their place. On their homeworld, they were kept ignorant of the wider galaxy by a religion imposed upon them by the Ba'ul, a technologically advanced species which harvested Kelpiens until Starfleet intervened. The Ba'ul also protected the Kelpiens from other predator species on Kaminar, like the t'rrask. Living peacefully, Kelpiens established villages near lakes and other bodies of water where they maintain kelp farms. Kelpiens are taller on average than most species, and tend towards leanness.