Equipment: Holographic Targeting Helmet

(Opportunity 2)

A device only rarely seen aboard the bridge of Federation starships due to the specialised training required to properly operate, the holographic targeting helmet creates a virtual reality representation of the local space surrounding a vessel. The user can interact with this VR environment to monitor the theatre of operations.

The holographic targeting helmet consists of both the helmet itself, and haptic feedback sensors attached to the user's fingers, allowing them to control the virtual display. The helmet can also enhance the wearer's voice, and has screens on the face to display critical information or alerts.

While wearing the holographic targeting helmet the user is limited to universal, Navigator, and Sensor Operations Tasks. The Difficulty of Navigator and Sensor Operations Tasks is reduced by 1 to a minimum of 0.

Putting on and removing the helmet requires a Minor Action.

Design Notes: Most of the information about how the holographic targeting helmet works came from the 'Discovery' tie-in novel, Desperate Measures, as opposed to the show itself. It seems like the sort of equipment that isn't likely to be used in the game all that much as most Starfleet bridges aren't going to have multiple tactical officers, as was apparently the case on the USS Shenzhou, but it's too cool to pass up including.