REQUIREMENT: 2256 or later, Science 3+
The vessel is equipped with displacement-activated spore hub drive, an organic propulsion system enabling a starship to travel to any point in the cosmos spanning mycelial network, virtually instantaneously.
Travel via spore drive is probabilistic, requiring the integration of a lifeform capable of forming a symbiotic bond with the mycelial network to serve as navigator, able to safely calculate the possible outcomes. A successful DASH drive jump adjusts the ship's position to anywhere within range. Rolling a complication can mean anything from the ship being oriented in a way which makes it vulnerable, to exiting the jump in the middle of a hazard, such as a radiation storm or too close to a sun.
Using the spore drive is a Control + Conn task with a difficulty of 0 and a Complication range 19-20, assisted by the ship's Engines + Conn. This has a power requirement of 2, and adds 1 Threat to the pool. In addition, if the navigator is integrated against its will or without consent, using the DASH drive during a mission counts as a negative influence upon reputation for all senior officers.
Attempting a DASH drive jump without an integrated navigator has a difficulty dependant on the distance travelled -- Close 1, Medium 2, Long 3, Extreme 4 -- and a Complication range 17-20. Doing so does not influence reputation.
Design Notes: Obviously the spore drive is a huge part of 'Discovery' as a show, and the USS Discovery the ship. Based on the available evidence, I think it's fairly likely that it never sees widespread use in Starfleet for whatever reason.
As the spore drive is still very experimental on the show, I wanted to maintain some level of danger, hence the increased Complication range. Using the spore drive during a combat situation seems very aggressive, hence the Threat generation. Unlike going to warp, the Power requirement for using the spore drive is always 2 regardless of the distance travelled.